We so enjoy this season, Lord. We thrill at the sights and sounds of Christmas. We love the glitter, the tinsel and the lights. But Father, the lights can, if we're not careful, blind us to the One True Light of Christmas. And as much as we love the Christmas carols and holiday songs, we confess that they are too capable of drowning out your gentle call to us to faithfully come and worship. And Father, we love the decorations and the wreaths and the Christmas trees... But oh how easily they can obscure that other tree of Christmas - the one that stands in the shadows of the manger - the tree of Calvary.
So God, would you persistently point us this Christmas to the manger - and then on to the Cross to recognize Your consummate gift of love. Help us look to the Babe of Bethlehem as the Light of the World; let us see Him born and laid in a humble manger, yet destined to die and be laid in a borrowed tomb – the One born King was "enthroned" on a cross! All because of His great love for us! And Lord, let us do more than just sing songs that tell the story; let us come and joyfully, triumphantly worship.