Monday, May 25, 2015

A Memorial Day Prayer

Almighty and gracious God,
Thank You for a day such as this that calls us to both remember and honor the sacrifices of all our veterans who have served in our armed forces. It is good and appropriate for us to remember, for far too often we remember the things we ought to forget and forget the very things we should always remember.
So we are both grateful and humbled when we ponder the sacrifice of those who have given their lives in order to preserve our freedoms and to establish or protect the freedoms of others. We ask that You would bless their sacrifices and the labors of their hands by upholding this nation in freedom and justice and righteousness. And may we learn from their examples the lessons of service, sacrifice, and selflessness, diligence and devotion, endurance, loyalty, honor, and patriotism.
And oh Father, we pray especially for Your comfort and strength for the families of those who have died in recent days or years. And for the many who have returned from combat with lingering injuries and wounds, whether in their bodies or their souls, we ask for healing and solace in both mind and body.
God, like You, we all hate war, violence, and bloodshed. And yet we know that the battle must sometimes be joined in a world where injustice, greed, hatred, lies, oppression and terror endure. So give us wisdom to ensure that our cause is ever just. Give us courage and stamina fit for the task. And give us faith to look for the day You have promised when You shall put an end to all war and will mercifully wipe away every tear from our eyes, when all people the world over will beat their spears into pruning hooks and their swords into plowshares. We know this promise is sure for all who look to you, for You have given the down payment to that promise by lovingly giving Your Son as the supreme sacrifice for sin and raising Him from the grave, conquering death itself.

So it is in that beautiful and matchless name of Your Son, Jesus, the coming Prince of Peace and Mighty God that I pray. AMEN.