I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (Gal. 2:20, NASB)
Since then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above... Set your minds on things above... For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God... Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature... (Col. 3:1-3, 5)When viewed with "eyes that will see," history reveals a God who has relentlessly and passionately pursued relationship with "a people for His own possession." This pursuing love of God ultimately lead Him to send His Son to be crucified as the demonstration of that love and in order to pay the sin debt of death in our place. Not out of a need of something that He lacked, but simply out of a desire to demonstrate His goodness and His glory, God yearns for relationship (we might also use words like "fellowship" or "communion") with a people who recognize Him for the supremely glorious Being that He is and find their greatest delight in Him, having been satisfied by His pursuing, sacrificial love.
Now hold that thought. I'll come back to it in a minute...
I had the great joy of marrying my son and daughter-in-law earlier this summer. In my closing charge to them I gave them one word to especially focus on and flesh out in their first year of marriage. The word was "pursue." First and foremost, to pursue Christ; but then also to pursue one another as they reflect in their marriage Christ's pursuing love for His church. Here's where I wish I had a "do over"... I wish I had given them two words. (Although we were already trying to look for ways to trim the time of the service down!) I wish I had thought to first give them the word, "crucify."
Here's the point, and not just for Nathan and Laura but for you and me as well... and the connection with my opening thoughts. God's perfect and passionate pursuit of us lead Him to crucifixion. But for us it's the other way around. Having responded in faith to God's mercy and grace, we must begin with crucifixion before we can pursue. Jesus said, "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me." (Mk. 8:34) And remember, for Jesus' hearers a cross was no attractive ornament to hang around your neck or put in your ears or something to tattoo on your arm; it was an ugly symbol of death!
Similarly, the apostle Paul tells us to "put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col. 3:5) and he declares, "I have been crucified with Christ" (Gal. 2:20). I've been reminded again this morning that I do not have it in myself to pursue God, to pursue my wife, to pursue God's purposes for me... I must first die to self. Die to my personal passions, pursuits, and pleasures. Die to my lusts, my leisure, my very life! When I do, Christ, "who is [my] life" (Col. 3:4), is able to live His life through me (see also Gal. 2:20).
Christ pursued me to and through His own crucifixion. I must crucify my flesh in order to pursue Christ and His purposes for me and as I seek to minister to others.
Love ya Dad. I'll pass this along to Laura and consider it an addendum to your wedding comments. We're always willing to hear more advice.
ReplyDeleteI'd never thought of this before. Cool, and Biblical too. Thanks.