Ok, so I'm not really a big fan of rap music, BUT...
I was introduced to Christian rapper Shai Linne this morning, and knew right away that I wanted to point others to this talented and theologically deep artist. If you like rap (and even if you don't!) you should check him out. Here are a couple links to sample his craft:
Shai Linne: "Issues"
Shai Linne: "My Portion"
Oh, and I just stumbled on his blog. Worth taking a look here: Shai Linne's blog, "Lyrical Theology"
And one more link. Mark Dever (a pastor of a great church in Washington D.C.) interviews him and another pastor (who is also a rapper) here: Mark Dever interviews Shai Linne (72 minutes, but definitely worth the listen).
Let me know what you think!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Reformation Quiz Answers
So how'd you do? Here are the answers...
1. Picture of Martin Luther posting his "95 Theses" on the door of the church at Wittenberg (Germany) on October 31, 1517.
2. Picture of "Luther's Rose" (also known as the "Luther Seal"). Luther personally oversaw its development. The black cross in the center, as the cross of Christ, which produced death, and by which we are likewise to be mortified, is the very center of our faith. By faith in the crucified Christ, we find new life as Christ renews our heart. These stand in the middle of a white rose, symbolizing the joy, comfort and peace that Christ alone can give. Behind it all is a sky-blue field, representing the heavenly future that awaits us in Christ, is presently grasped as our confident hope. Around it all is a ring of gold, for our blessedness in heaven will last forever (as the ring with no end), and the truths it encompasses are to be prized more than silver or gold.
3. Picture of Martin Luther.
4. Picture of John Calvin (1509-1564), French theologian, and reformer of the church in Geneva.
5. The "5 solas" collectively are one of the 2 main foundations of the Reformation. The 5 pillars of that foundation are sola gratia (by grace alone), sola fide (through faith alone), solus Christus (in Christ alone), sola Scriptura, (Scripture alone as our final authority), soli Deo gloria (for the glory of God alone).
6. "TULIP" represents the other foundation of the Reformation, referred to as "the doctrines of grace". Those who followed Calvin tried to synthesize his teachings related to the gospel in this way: Total depravity (the corruption/sinfulness of man means that he contributes nothing to his salvation), Unconditional election (God's choosing a people to draw to Himself based solely upon His own good pleasure and sovereign choice), Limited atonement (the blood of Christ is efficacious for the elect only), Irresistible grace (those whom God seeks to draw to Himself will indeed come), Perseverance of the saints (the elect of God will persevere in faith to the end).
7. At the turn of the 15th/16th century, indulgences were sold by the Roman church and were offered as a means of shortening one's time in purgatory, and/or absolving one of penance that would otherwise be necessary. This abuse was particularly what prompted Luther's rage and the posting of his theses at Wittenberg.
8. Calvin is most closely associated with the city of Geneva.
9. Calvin's most comprehensive body of theological writings is called The Institutes of the Christian Religion.
10. As mentioned, Luther posted his 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany.
Bonus: "The Morning Star of the Reformation"... Over 100 years before the Reformation, John Wycliffe (died, Dec. 31, 1384) was raising various objections to the teachings of the church and papal authority. He is especially known for his mission to translate the Scriptures into the vernacular of the people. Thirty years after his death, his books were ordered to be burned and his body exhumed. His remains were burned and the ashes strewn in the River Swift.
1. Picture of Martin Luther posting his "95 Theses" on the door of the church at Wittenberg (Germany) on October 31, 1517.
2. Picture of "Luther's Rose" (also known as the "Luther Seal"). Luther personally oversaw its development. The black cross in the center, as the cross of Christ, which produced death, and by which we are likewise to be mortified, is the very center of our faith. By faith in the crucified Christ, we find new life as Christ renews our heart. These stand in the middle of a white rose, symbolizing the joy, comfort and peace that Christ alone can give. Behind it all is a sky-blue field, representing the heavenly future that awaits us in Christ, is presently grasped as our confident hope. Around it all is a ring of gold, for our blessedness in heaven will last forever (as the ring with no end), and the truths it encompasses are to be prized more than silver or gold.
3. Picture of Martin Luther.
4. Picture of John Calvin (1509-1564), French theologian, and reformer of the church in Geneva.
5. The "5 solas" collectively are one of the 2 main foundations of the Reformation. The 5 pillars of that foundation are sola gratia (by grace alone), sola fide (through faith alone), solus Christus (in Christ alone), sola Scriptura, (Scripture alone as our final authority), soli Deo gloria (for the glory of God alone).
6. "TULIP" represents the other foundation of the Reformation, referred to as "the doctrines of grace". Those who followed Calvin tried to synthesize his teachings related to the gospel in this way: Total depravity (the corruption/sinfulness of man means that he contributes nothing to his salvation), Unconditional election (God's choosing a people to draw to Himself based solely upon His own good pleasure and sovereign choice), Limited atonement (the blood of Christ is efficacious for the elect only), Irresistible grace (those whom God seeks to draw to Himself will indeed come), Perseverance of the saints (the elect of God will persevere in faith to the end).
7. At the turn of the 15th/16th century, indulgences were sold by the Roman church and were offered as a means of shortening one's time in purgatory, and/or absolving one of penance that would otherwise be necessary. This abuse was particularly what prompted Luther's rage and the posting of his theses at Wittenberg.
8. Calvin is most closely associated with the city of Geneva.
9. Calvin's most comprehensive body of theological writings is called The Institutes of the Christian Religion.
10. As mentioned, Luther posted his 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany.
Bonus: "The Morning Star of the Reformation"... Over 100 years before the Reformation, John Wycliffe (died, Dec. 31, 1384) was raising various objections to the teachings of the church and papal authority. He is especially known for his mission to translate the Scriptures into the vernacular of the people. Thirty years after his death, his books were ordered to be burned and his body exhumed. His remains were burned and the ashes strewn in the River Swift.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Reformation Quiz
How's your knowledge of the Protestant Reformation? Answer the following as best and most comprehensively as you can. With the first four pictures, identify as much of the who, what, when, and where as you can. (I'll post answers next week.)
5. What are the "5 solas"?
6. What does "TULIP" stand for?
7. What are "indulgences" and why/how are they significant to the Reformation?
8. With what city is John Calvin most closely associated?
9. What is the name of Calvin's most comprehensive body of theological writings?
10. In what city was the church where Luther posted his "95 Theses..."?
Bonus: Who is most commonly referred to as "the Morning Star of the Reformation"?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Let Me Introduce You...
I'm expecting, hoping, tentatively planning (how's that for a milquetoast commitment!) on blogging tomorrow, since I haven't yet this week.
In the meantime, let me introduce you to a blog I discovered today. I don't know yet if I will be subscribing to his blog to follow periodically, but his post today is well-worth the read. No, let me put that even more strongly... I URGE you to read this, believing you will be blessed, inspired, and challenged as I was, as "Internet Monk" (a.k.a., Michael Spencer) writes poignantly and profoundly of living Gospel-centered lives, finding our satisfaction in Christ, as preparation for the uncertainty of our tomorrows. His post is called, "There's Always A Day Before".
In the meantime, let me introduce you to a blog I discovered today. I don't know yet if I will be subscribing to his blog to follow periodically, but his post today is well-worth the read. No, let me put that even more strongly... I URGE you to read this, believing you will be blessed, inspired, and challenged as I was, as "Internet Monk" (a.k.a., Michael Spencer) writes poignantly and profoundly of living Gospel-centered lives, finding our satisfaction in Christ, as preparation for the uncertainty of our tomorrows. His post is called, "There's Always A Day Before".
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