Friday, November 13, 2009

Let Me Introduce You... shai linne

Ok, so I'm not really a big fan of rap music, BUT...

I was introduced to Christian rapper Shai Linne this morning, and knew right away that I wanted to point others to this talented and theologically deep artist. If you like rap (and even if you don't!) you should check him out. Here are a couple links to sample his craft:

Shai Linne: "Issues"

Shai Linne: "My Portion"

Oh, and I just stumbled on his blog. Worth taking a look here:  Shai Linne's blog, "Lyrical Theology"

And one more link. Mark Dever (a pastor of a great church in Washington D.C.) interviews him and another pastor (who is also a rapper) here:  Mark Dever interviews Shai Linne (72 minutes, but definitely worth the listen).

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of a few of these guys, mostly through Mark Driscoll. Praise God for this ministry! it's a beautiful thing.
