While I know that one's heart is deceitful, even to the point that we cannot even be fully confident of our own motives (Jeremiah 17:9), I believe I can honestly say that in my sanest moments my following paraphrase of Paul's passion reflects my own passionate pursuit...
All my past accomplishments, present credentials, future ambitions - all the things I once thought were so important and significant in my life are as nothing to me when compared to the far-surpassing, greater value of knowing Jesus Christ. In fact, I will even abandon them altogether if they keep me in any way from embracing Christ and being embraced by Him. Whether I experience His resurrection power, or become a partner with Him in His suffering, I want to know Him!
This will be my constant pursuit. I have not yet arrived, and I will at times stumble, but my gaze is set on my glorious Savior. I am determined to press forward through any obstacle and renounce any distracting pleasure, reaching out to Christ who first took the initiative to reach out to me with His love mercy and grace. I will extol the supremacy of His power, the sufficiency of His presence, and the satisfaction of His Person alone. I have a singular pursuit. My vision is clear. I've burned my bridges. There's no turning back. This is what I was made for and I will continue to run the race God has set before me until I cross the finish line and enter His glorious presence and hear His welcome. Until then, I will make much of Jesus, for His glory is my delight. (Personal paraphrase of Philippians 3:7-16)
And now, dear reader, I urge you with Paul's next words in verse 17, "...
join in following my example". (See also 1 Cor. 11:1.)
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