Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My New Master

a meditation on Romans 4 - 6 (Feb., 2011)
I’m amazed at Your mercy, enthralled by Your grace.
You’ve loved me and drawn me to gaze on Your face.
Condemned by Your righteous and holy decree,
Your Son took my place and now I am free.
With Jesus’ blood covering my guilt and my shame,
My heart is now stirred and with passion enflamed.
I’ll live for Your glory and name and renown
Until Jesus my Savior with worship is crowned.

My master, once cruel, a taskmaster grim,
Reminded me always of my guilt within.
Enslaved by my sin, I was hopeless and lost,
My death and destruction, the infinite cost.
But blind eyes were opened, You caused me to see
That Jesus in love came, my Ransom to be.
Now clothed in Your righteousness, walking in love,
I gladly surrender to Your will above.

Your mercy and kindness, no merit could earn;
Your glory, the standard of righteousness spurned.
In Jesus alone is forgiveness assured,
My standing in glory forever secured.
When guilt or despair seem to flood o’er my soul,
When even my victories others extol,
When Satan my past puts before me to see,
Then “Jesus, my Righteousness” shall be my plea.

I’m amazed at Your mercy, enthralled by Your grace.
You’ve loved me and drawn me to gaze on Your face.
Though wretched and vile, Your love set me free
To magnify Jesus, the whole world to see.
With Jesus my Life and my Joy and My All,
My once heart-of-stone is now heeding Your call.
I’ll live for Your glory and name and renown
Until Jesus with honor and worship is crowned.

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