In his preface to his book,
Brothers, We Are Not Professionals ("A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry"), John Piper writes, "More and more, true Christianity is becoming what it was at the beginning: foolish and dangerous.
The Gospel and "true Christianity" is "foolish" to the world because until the Spirit of God enables blind eyes to see and corrupt hearts to desire the truth and beauty of the glorious Gospel, it remains incomprehensible (1 Cor. 1:18-23). God actually became a Man? Most people did not recognize this Man to be God-sent? He was rejected by the very rulers of His own people who knew their religious system better than anyone else? He was crucified along with other common criminals? And then He supposedly came to life again?! And His followers claim that trusting this crucified, risen-again God-Man is the ONLY way to know God or enter heaven with your sins forgiven and wiped clean, without any contribution of your own? I will endure the eternal wrath of God for my "sin" if I continue on my own way without this Jesus? ~ Scandalous! Incredulous! "Foolish"!
Those whose eyes have been opened and hearts have been changed to turn to embrace the glorious Gospel will then likewise be seen as "foolish." And therefore - for many - the "way of the Cross" will also become "dangerous". "Dangerous" because those who daily take up their crosses to follow their Master will live lives and hold values that are in stark contrast to everyone else. And as they do so - living as "the light of the world" - the world will run from the light (John 3:19-20), as the cockroaches used to do in our home in South Carolina! The result will be that some will think they are doing good by doing harm to Christians (John 16:2).
In this context, the temptation for individual Christians and churches alike will be to try to find ways to make the Gospel more attractive and less confrontational. Against this tendency we must reinforce our resolve to proclaim the scandal of the Cross. To this point Piper writes, "the center of the dishonorable, foolish, gruesome, and utterly glorious reality of the tortured God-Man, Jesus Christ. More and more, He must become the issue. Not a vague, comfortable, pleasant Jesus that everybody likes but the one who is a "stumbling block" to Jews and "foolishness" to Gentiles.
The closer you get to what makes Christianity ghastly, the closer you get to what makes it glorious." (Emphasis added.)
Dear Christian, are you willing to endure hardship for our Captain? Are you prepared to sacrifice whatever it takes to make the glorious Gospel of our Jesus known to those for whom Christ died? You are the aroma of Jesus to the world around you - perhaps the only source of that for some. We all want to be the fragrance of eternal life, but for some we may be the stench of death! (2 Cor. 2:15-16) March into the fray today, dear friend, with your eyes on Jesus and let Him lay out the course you are to run (Heb. 12:1-3)... then run as a "fool for Jesus"!**
(**Two businessmen once approached a man walking the streets of New York wearing a sandwich board over his shoulders. They snickered in mockery as they read the front: "I'm a fool for Jesus Christ." Their sneers turned into thoughtful contemplation as they read the back: "Whose fool are you?")