"The Lord does whatever pleases Him..." (Psalm 135:6)
"Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases." (Psalm 115:3)
"I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." (Job 42:2)The other day I was watching a short promotional video online for some new church ministry resource. I honestly don't even remember what it was for, but one thing did catch my attention - hence this blog post today... The speaker painted the picture of some bleak situation and as he set up the resolution for how God intervened, he said, "God came through."
I'd like to invite us to think carefully and critically about that expression, as it's one that probably crops up from time to time, and of course used in innocent ways by people who want to honor the Lord and His sovereign intervention in our lives to help those in need. But think about what that expression implies. Doesn't it subtly suggest that things were really out of control (even God's?!) until God finally figured things out and got the upper hand? Doesn't it likewise carry with it the idea that we are wiser than God and are the ones who really should be calling the shots and that we are glad that God finally came around to our point of view and finally did what we always knew needed to be done?
We also need to think about what we're implying if God did NOT "come through" in the prescribed manner. Did God fail to "come through" for Stephen as he breathed his last with his eyes beholding the glory of Christ at the right hand of the Father (Acts 7)? Is God failing to "come through" for our many Christian brothers and sisters who face another year of imprisonment and/or persecution for their enduring faith? And did God fail to "come through" for our own Savior, who asked that He might be spared from having to drink the cup of God's wrath for our sin?
Friends, God's back is never up against a wall. He is never wringing His hands, trying to figure out a way to help us out of our predicaments. If you are prone to using this expression, may I urge you - I hope lovingly! - to stop, and to instead allow God to test and refine your faith as you endure in Your delight in Him, regardless of what He may or may not do according to your expectations!
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