Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Purpose" = "Plan"

Clearly, over the last few weeks I've been out of sync with my goal of blogging once a week. My apologies. But here's to trying to get back into gear...

Very rarely, if ever, do I remember my dreams. And last night was no exception. (That's not what you expected me to say, right? You thought I'd say something more like, "But last night I dreamed..." But bear with me...)

Last night, however, I did wake up in the middle of the night, roused out of my dream (and I do remember that I had been dreaming, though I don't remember about what; weird, I know) by... something; I don't really know what woke me, which is also very unusual as I am a very sound sleeper. (Just ask my wife!) What was very clearly on my mind, however, was... a thought. An idea. An idea that somehow I knew was directly related in some way to the dream. It seemed fairly significant to me at the time, and I almost got up to write myself a note on my phone so I could think more about it in the morning, but I brushed the thought off in favor of going back to sleep. (In other words, I was too lazy!) I thought to myself, If it was really a worthwhile thought, I'll remember it in the morning, then silently prayed, Lord, help me remember, all the while knowing that it was highly unlikely, as this kind of thing has happened a couple times before, and I've almost always racked my brain - unsuccessfully! - in the morning trying to remember.

Well, by now you're probably realizing that this time I did indeed remember, or else I wouldn't have taken the time to write this account of something that I didn't remember! So let me finally get to the point after this far-too-lengthy introduction!

Two words were successively on my mind last night in that brief moment of consciousness. The first word was purpose, and the second very quickly on its heels was plan. And then my mind very quickly inserted an "equals" sign in between. Purpose = Plan. If there is a purpose, there must be a plan. Purpose requires plans.

Those who know me well may be chuckling right now, for "planner" is not usually a word people think of associating with me. By nature I am a visioner, a dreamer, I see the big picture and how the parts are supposed to fit to make the whole. I have struggled most of my life with taking initiative and being intentional Though I believe I am better than I used to be, I still have a long way to go. So now perhaps you see why this little early morning equation seemed significant to me.

Let me finally get to the nuts and bolts of this post... I have a purpose. You have a purpose. And I'm not talking about a subjective purpose... to be happy, to make money, to provide for my family, to make a difference, to raise good kids, to save enough money to retire, etc. I'm talking about our objective purpose. Our raison d'etre - our reason for being. That is, why God has created us. It's true, we could identify multiple purposes which should drive our lives. I still uphold the five purposes of Worship, Community, Maturity, Service, and Mission as a very helpful way of articulating them, but really there is only one at the very core of them all. That one is God's own purpose, what He is most determined to do, and the very reason you and I are here: "As surely as I live," declares the Lord, "all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord" (Num. 14:21; see also Isa. 43:7). Paul's words to the Corinthians articulates our purpose well: Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31); or again, You have been bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body (1 Cor. 6:20); or to the Romans, Present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship (Rom. 12:1).

So what's your plan? God is a planning God. His purpose is being worked out according to His plan. Jesus came to do the work of His Father (to be read, to carry out His Father's plan). He planned creation, and He planned our redemption, and He has planned the culmination of all of human history to accomplish His desired ends, His purpose and plan. What's your plan?

Here's part of mine, to learn to better align myself with God's purpose. I have written out three questions that I plan to ask myself every day as soon as I get out of bed. These will be entered into my phone for me to read, perhaps even before I leave the side of my bed in the morning. But more importantly, I will come up with some concrete answers to these questions over the course of the morning before 9 a.m. (This is not meant to be a theoretical or simply devotional exercise!) They may be modified over the course of the next few weeks, but here are my questions. (Notice the common element in each is the word, "today"!) Feel free to adopt or adapt them for yourself!
  1. What will I do today that will intentionally express the infinite worth of God?
  2. How will my choices today reflect that I prefer God over any other thing? (I suppose this one really is just another way of phrasing question #1.)
  3. What plans will I take action on today in order to accomplish God's purposes? (Both for me, and for the world through me.)

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