Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Quote to Chew On

(No, I'm not trying to "catch up" from almost 3 weeks of not posting!)

How would you complete the statement, "The fundamental problem in the evangelical world today is..."? There are probably many good ways one could complete that statement, and it could be fun to sit around a table and banter some possibilities around. But here's how David Wells puts it, in God in the Wasteland... (Tell me what you think!)
"The fundamental problem in the evangelical world today is that God rests too inconsequentially upon the church. His truth is too distant, His grace too ordinary, His judgment is too benign, His gospel too easy, and His Christ too common."


  1. replace god with people and this would make sense to me. people rest too inconseqently upon the churh,our truth is too distant, our grace is too ordinay, our judgement is too benign.the gospel is too easy. we are too common!!!
    What I'm saying god is so powerful and we are too lazy to dig deep and see that he is so much more than ordinary He is the almighty and the Omega but we have to stop taking him for grnted and we would see how un ordianry his he is!!!

  2. Roxanne, you make a great point! And I agree with all that you said, but I would add that the reason behind your observation goes back to the original quote from David Wells.

    To clarify, Wells is not saying that the problem rests in God; that God is the one who "rests too inconsequentially upon the church" etc. He's saying that the problem has to do with how the church at large sees and relates to the holy, almighty God. How the church thinks of and responds to and reflects His truth and grace, etc.

    I hope that helps. Really you're saying pretty much the same thing when you look at it that way! : )
